Self-Compacting Concrete

H. Okamura and M. Ouchi

Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 1(1) 5-15, 2003

Self-compacting concrete was first developed in 1988 to achieve durable concrete structures. Since then, various investigations have been carried out and this type of concrete has been used in practical structures in Japan, mainly by large construction companies. Investigations for establishing a rational mix-design method and self-compactability testing methods have been carried out from the viewpoint of making self-compacting concrete a standard concrete.

The authors have carried out pioneer work that has led to similar works in many other regions and which had found applications in many areas. (Prof Kiang Hwee Tan, National University of Singapore).

This paper reviews the development of the important new technology of self-compacting concrete in Japan since the late 1980s. The impressively rapid rate of knowledge transfer from research into practical applications is clearly and interestingly described. (Prof. Christopher Page, University of Leeds)