Initial Submission | Final Submission | Proof-reading and CTA | Status of Your Paper


Initial submission is very easy.

Please upload your manuscript to the ACT Secretary using Editorial Manager of ACT.
When submitting the mauscript, please specify paper type, Scientific paper, technical report or discussion.
Because the accepted papers will be edited by ACT staff, there are very few requirements for the initial submission. Upload file should consider the followings.

• A paper title of 80 characters or less.
• An abstract of 200 words or less.
• A text of approx. 10000 words or less, in single column and in single-spaced, including figures and tables of word-equivalent.
• A page number at the center-bottom of each page and consecutive line number through the all pages.
• Citations should follow the Author-Year method. References list is at the end of the text and in alphabetical order of the first author. (See
ACT Authors' Guide)
Figures and tables should be placed in the vicinity of the relevant text parts with a few lines space in the manuscript, rather than at the end of the text part. . A photo should be numbered as a figure.


Note: Manuscripts must not include 2-byte characters.